Sunday, January 9, 2011

A week goes past

Tahi's granny and her daughter left yesterday, they'd been staying with us for a week. Tahi was overjoyed by the company and attention, he had a great time!
It was really nice to have some visitors, and we gave them some little thank you presents (although I forgot to give them a jar of olives... next time). I made a cookbook for Viv, the daughter, from an old battered children's book called Alexander's outing. Some of the pages were completely torn so there wasn't anything else to do with that poor book but repurpose it. Viv is 18 and decided this year she is going to get into cooking, so I thought this would be ideal for her to record her favourite recipes. Whether she liked it or not and whether she will use it or not who knows, but it was quite fun making something different that didn't involve a sewing machine for once.

I also made a cake the night before they left, a healthy one I could eat too (I am on a sugar free diet, which means I avoid all processed sugars). It uses agave nectar instead of sugar, and it was oh so nice. Even Josh who usually can tell when I make a "healthy" treat was sold. It's called a "Banana Choc Chia Cake" and I got it from Knifelovesspoon. It's not the first time I use a recipe from this blog and so far I haven't been disappointed.

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