Made cottage cheese for the first time, very very happy with the result, it tastes just like I remember it and I looooove cottage cheese. It's quite a long process but to my mind definitely worth it ("too many dishes to wash" is Josh's complaint).
I also tried out a recipe found while browsing my Pinterest, as one does. It's a recipe for an upside down apple tart here (from this pin). This one is a keeper. I'd been looking for a recipe for Tarte Tatin (the french name for this dish) for a while, and this is it. It just so happened that we had some apples lying around, too "fluffy" to be eaten by the local apple eater (Josh), so I had to use them up somehow. Plus I'd just made some butter that morning...
The cake turned out great, just what I expected, although a bit too much butter and sugar to my taste, but that's easily tweaked. And I'm using the left over apple cores and peelings to make some more apple cider vinegar. No waste, that's what I like!
YUM! Would love to try cheese making sometime.