Saturday, September 18, 2010

A quiet sunday afternoon

While in Wellington. We went for a walk up Mount Kaukau, next to where Josh's mum lives. it's a nice steep walk we always enjoy when we're here. I felt so unfit this time though!
Tahi loves being outdoors, especially when he gets to be carried in the backpack. The weather was beautiful, sunny and not too windy. the view up the top is well worth the climb!

Then back at home we had a nice little lunch and Tahi and I went picking Cape gooseberries in the neighbour's garden for dessert. They are lovely to eat and they look amazing in their little leafy shell. Great packaging!


  1. I love cape gooseberries! Beautiful pics.

  2. You were just up the hill from where I live! My little one is still too small to walk up there, so I take her in the back-pack and it makes it feel like a serious climb :-)
